About image
The Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237) is a large emission nebula of approximately circular shape located in the constellation of the Unicorn: the name derives from the fact that in long exposure images it resembles a small rose.
The nebula occupies an area in the sky equal to approximately three times the Full Moon seen with the naked eye and is located at a distance of 5200 light years from Earth; it has an approximate size of 100 light years.
Regions in which new star formation processes are underway have been identified within the Rosette.
The Rosette is visible from a dark sky using very powerful binoculars, but appears very evanescent and gray in color (the human eye is not sensitive to colors in low lighting conditions): in photography however it is very evident even with short lenses focal.
Technical data
Optic Tecnosky Apo refractor LT 130-910 with Riccardi reducer 0.75x (focal lenght 692mm, f/5.3)
Mount Skywatcher EQ8
Camera Moravian G3-16200 with external filter
wheel 7 positions
Filters Baader 50mm
unmounted RGB , Ha 7nm, OIII 8.5nm
Guiding system Artesky Ultraguide 70mm
Exposure details R 20x120" bin1 -20C
G 20x120" bin1 -20C
B 20x120" bin1 -20C
Ha 29x600" bin1 -20C
OIII 21x600" bin1 -20C
Total integration 10h20'
Acquisition Voyager, PHD2
Processing Pixinsight 1.8,
Photoshop CS5, StarXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, BlurXTerminator
SQM-L Bortle 8
Location Rescaldina (Italy), home terrace
Date 26 November 2022, 16/17 November 2023