NGC 6946

About image

The spiral galaxy NGC 6946, located on the border between Cygnus and Cepheus constellation, is one of the closest neighbours of the Local Group, being its distance from the Milky Way only 18 million light years.

Due to its small inclination with respect to our point of view, it shows a detailed view of many active HII regions inside its spiral arms.
This galaxy is also known as “Fireworks Galaxy” due to the several supernova exploded in the latest 100 years (10 supernova from 1917 to 2017)

Technical data
Optic           GSO RC12 Truss - Aperture 304mm, focal lenght 2432mm, f/8
Mount         10Micron GM2000 HPSII
Camera          Moravian G3-16200 with external filter wheel 7 positions
Filters       Astrodon Gen2 E-Serie Tru-Balance 50mm unmounted LRGB and Ha 5nm
Guiding system     OAG Moravian M68 with guide camera Moravian G1-0301
Exposure details   L 28x600" bin2 -20C
            R 15x600" bin2 -20C
                          G 14x600" bin2 -20C
            B 11x600" bin2 -20C

               Ha 20x600" bin2 -20C
Total integration   14h40'
Acquisition       Voyager, PHD2
Processing       Pixinsight 1.8, BlurXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, StarXTerminator, Photoshop CS5
SQM-L        21.3    
Location        Promiod (Aosta Valley, Italy), own remote observatory
Date            9/11/17/20 July, 8 August 2021

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