About image
NGC 6791 is a distant open cluster visible in the constellation Lyra, with magnitude 9.5 and diameter 16'.
It appears rather rich and very concentrated and is one of the oldest open clusters known, having an estimated age of around 8 billion years.
It is located 13,300 light years away, almost outside the galactic disk.
The photo was taken from my home location, under a sky very polluted by lights and above all not very clear due to a constant layer of humidity.
The image is a consistent crop of the original frame.
Technical data
Optic Tecnosky Apo refractor LT 130-910 with Riccardi reducer 0.75x (focal lenght 692mm, f/5.3)
Mount Skywatcher EQ8
Camera Moravian G3-16200 CCD with external filter
wheel 7 positions
Filters Baader 50mm unmounted RGB
Guiding system Artesky Ultraguide 70mm
Exposure details R 31x300" bin1 -15C
G 31x300" bin1 -15C
B 31x300" bin1 -15C
Total integration 7h45'
Acquisition Voyager, PHD2
Processing Pixinsight 1.8,
Photoshop CS5, NoiseXTerminator
SQM-L 18.2
Location Rescaldina (Italy), home terrace
Date 29/30 June 2022, 3 August 2022, 8 July 2023