About image
NGC 2371 is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Gemini about 3900 light years away from Earth.
It was discovered by William Herschel in 1785, but recognized as a real nebula only in 1917.
It has a diameter of just 62 "and appears as an irregular disk wrapped in a gradually fainter gas as you proceed towards the edges.
It shows a clear bipolar aspect: this morphology suggests that the two condensations of material are part of a gas torus.
The central star has magnitude 14.8.
Technical data
Optic GSO RC12 Truss - Aperture
304mm, focal lenght 2432mm, f/8
Mount 10Micron GM2000 HPSII
Camera Moravian
G3-16200 with external filter wheel 7 positions
Filters Astrodon 50mm narrowband filters Ha 5nm and OIII 5nm
Guiding system OAG Moravian M68
with guide camera Moravian G1-0301
Exposure details Ha 48x300" bin2 -30C
OIII 40x300" bin2 -30C
Total integration 7.3h
Acquisition Voyager, PHD2
Processing Pixinsight 1.8,
Photoshop CS5
SQM-L 21.4
Location Promiod (Aosta
Valley, Italy), own remote observatory
Date 31 January/18 February 2020