About image
M67 is an open cluster in Cancer constellation. It has a diameter of 30’ and it is not so much showy like other open clusters, due also to its low stars concentration. Indeed it is an interesting object because it is one of the oldest cluster in our galaxy, with an estimated age of 3.2 billion of years: in addition, it is not darkened by interstellar dust. For these reasons it was widely studied in the past by astronomers to investigated about its stellar population, but also recently (2006) it was studied and several X rays sources were found inside it (info from Wikipedia).
Technical data
Optic Tecnosky Apo refractor LT 130-910mm f/7
Mount Skywatcher EQ8
Camera Atik 4000 with Starlight Xpress external filter
wheel 5 positions
Filters Baader 50mm
unmounted RGB
Guiding system Artesky Ultraguide 70mm
Exposure details R 18x120" + 24x60" bin1 -15C
G 19x120" + 24x60" bin1 -15C
B 19x120" + 24x60" bin1 -15C
Total integration 3.1h
Acquisition Voyager, PHD2
Processing Pixinsight 1.8,
Photoshop CS5
SQM-L 18.5
Location Rescaldina (Italy), home terrace
Date 17/18 March 2020