M 36

About image
M 36 is an open cluster visible in the Auriga constellation, easily identifiable even with a small pair of binoculars.
M 36 is located at a distance of about 4100 light years from the Earth: its apparent diameter of 12 'corresponds to a real diameter of about 14 light years.
It is also one of the youngest clusters, with an estimated age of 20-25 million years: it does not contain any red giant, as opposed to the two neighboring clusters M37 and M38.

Technical data
Optic            Tecnosky Apo Refractor 115 - 800mm f/6.9
Mount          10Micron GM1000 HPS
Camera           Atik 4000 with Starlight external filter wheel 5 positions
Filters        Baader RGB 50.8 unmounted
Guiding system      10Micron GM1000 HPS
Exposure details    R 8x300" bin1 -20C
          G 8x300" bin1 -20C
          B 8x300" bin1 -20C
Total integration    2h
Acquisition        Maxim, PHD2
Processing        Pixinsight 1.8, Photoshop CS5
SQM-L         21.10    
Location        Pian dell'Armà (Pavia, Italy)
Date            29 October 2016

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