
About image

M 109 (also known as NGC 3992) is a spiral galaxy barred about 55 million light years, in the constellation Ursa Major.

It has an angular extension of about 7-8 arc minutes, an apparent magnitude of 9.5 and a real diameter of about 130,000 light years.

Image obtained from my home terrace in conditions of strong light pollution. 

Technical data
Optic          Celestron C9.25 Edge HD f/10
Mount        Losmandy G11 with Ovision worm and FS2
Camera         Atik 4000 with Starlight Xpress filter wheel 5 positions
Filters         Hutech Idas LPS-P2 50.8 unmounted
Guiding system    OAG LB Astro Proxima with Lodestar
Exposure details   L 52x600" bin1 -20C
Total integration   8,7h
Acquisition      Maxim, PHD2
Processing      Maxim, Photoshop CS5
SQM-L       18.2     
Location       Home terrace (Rescaldina, Italy)
Date           5 February 2016, 10 March 2016

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