About image
IC 5146 is an open cluster linked to a diffuse nebula visible in the constellation of the Swan.
It is located 3.5 degrees east of M39, in the northern part of the constellation.
It is a small cluster surrounded by a very collected nebula (in the form of a cocoon, just called Cocoon Nebula), connected in turn to a system of obscure nebulosity, known by the initials B 168, which extends for about 2 degrees in the direction of M39.
This complex of obscure nebulosities is also very evident with binoculars because it obscures a rich stellar field. This set of nebulae would have a distance from the Sun of about 3300 light years.
Technical data
Optic Tecnosky Apo Refractor 115 - 800mm f/6.9
Mount Losmandy G11 with Ovision worm and FS2
Camera Canon Eos 400D Baader modded
Filters -
Guiding system Skywatcher ED80 with Lodestar
Exposure details 13x480" ISO 800
Total integration 2.5h
Acquisition DSLR Shutter, PHD2
Processing Iris, Photoshop CS5
SQM-L 21.30
Location Pian dell'Armà (Pavia, Italy)
Date 17 August 2012