About image
IC 405 is a diffuse nebula in the Auriga constellation, apparently connected with other nebulosity systems in the constellation, in particular with IC410 visible about one degree to the southeast.
IC 405 is 1630 light years and is a very evident nebula in long exposure photographs.
The image was taken from my home terrace in conditions of strong light pollution, for which I was forced to make a duotone HaOIII.
But while in Ha there is plenty of signal, we can not say the same of the OIII: despite the 3 hours of exposure with this filter, the signal is very weak, I should have done at least the double of the exposures!
Technical data
Optic Tecnosky Apo Refractor 115 - 800mm f/6.9
Mount Losmandy G11 with Ovision worm and FS2
Camera Atik 4000 with Starlight Xpress filter wheel 5 positions
Filters Baader Ha 7nm and OIII 8.5nm, 50.8 unmounted
Guiding system TSOAG 9mm with Lodestar
Exposure details Ha 17x1200" bin1 -30C
OIII 10x1200" bin1 -30C
Total integration 9h
Acquisition Maxim, PHD2
Processing Maxim, Photoshop CS5
SQM-L 18.6
Location Home terrace (Rescaldina, Italy)
Date 29 December 2013 - 25 January 2014