M11 and Barnard dark nebulae in Scutum

About images (click on them to see bigger)

This wide field image centered on the summer constellation Scutum shows several dark nebulae, as we are seeing toward the center of our galaxy - the Milky Way.

The bright open cluster on the left side of the image is Messier M11, one of the most remarkable open cluster visible in our sky.

The annotated image allows to identify all the dark nebulae visible on the image: they are identified by the letter B followed by a number, where B means Barnard, from the name of the astronomer who catalogued them.

Technical data
Optic          TS Optics 76 EDPH - Aperture 76mm, focal lenght 342mm, f/4.5
Mount        Skywatcher EQ6R
Camera         ZWO ASI 294MM Pro with external filter wheel 7 positions
Filters         Antlia 36mm LRGB
Guiding system    Artesky Ultraguide 32mm
Exposure details     L 60x120" bin2 -15C

          R 22x120" bin2 -15C
                                    G 22x120" bin2 -15C
                                    B 22x120" bin2 -15C

          Gain 120, offset 30 

Total integration  4h12'
Acquisition      Voyager, PHD2
Processing      Pixinsight 1.8, Photoshop CS5
SQM-L       21.00    
Location       Promiod (Aosta Valley, Italy)
Date           30 July 2022

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