About image
The Horsehead Nebula (also known as Barnard 33 or B33) is a dark nebula in the Orion constellation: it is located just below Alnitak, the easternmost star of the Orion belt. The darkness of the nebula is mainly caused by dense dust and stands out even more thanks to the background of gas it is projected onto.
Although it is very evident in photography, it is not so evident in visual observation: to see it you need very dark skies and telescopes of good diameter, possibly accompanied by a nebular filter.
Technical data
Optic Tecnosky Apo Triplet 115 - 800mm f/7
Mount Losmandy G11 with FS2
Camera Atik 4000 with Starlight Xpress filter wheel 5 positions
Filters Baader Ha 7nm unmounted
Guiding system Apo Skywatcher ED80 with Lodestar
Exposure details 16x900", bin1 -20C
Total integration 4h
Acquisition Maxim DL, PHD
Processing Maxim DL, Photoshop CS5
SQM-L 18.60
Location Home terrace (Rescaldina, Italy)
Date 9 February 2013