NGC 7331 and Deer Lick Group

About image 

NGC 7331 is a spiral galaxy visible in Pegasus constellation: it is 46 million light years away from the Milky Way and it is larger than it (about 140000 light years vs. 100000).
It shows itself with an high inclination of 77°, so part of the disc is blocked by broad dust lanes.
In the lower side of the image, “under” the disk of NGC 7331, there is a group of several other galaxies which are about 6.5 times more distant than NGC 7331, so they appear here only for a matter of perspective: this group is referred to as “Deer Lick Group” and includes the lenticular galaxy NGC 7335 and NGC 7336, the barred spiral galaxy NGC 7337 and the elliptical galaxy NGC 7340.
Several other remote galaxies are anyway visible in the field, as well as a faint IFN on the right side of the image.

Technical data
Optic         GSO RC12 Truss - Aperture 304mm, focal lenght 2432mm, f/8
Mount       10Micron GM2000 HPSII
Camera        ZWO ASI 2600 MM Pro with filter wheel 7 positions
Filters        Astrodon Gen2 E-Serie Tru-Balance 50mm unmounted LRGB  
Guiding system   ZWO OAG-L with guide camera ASI 174MM
Exposure details  L 48x300" bin3 -15C

             R 19x300" bin3 -15C
             G 18x300" bin3 -15C
          B 21x300" bin3 -15C

                all gain 100
Total integration  8h50'
Acquisition      Voyager, PHD2
Processing      Pixinsight 1.8, Photoshop CS5, StarXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, BlurXTerminator
SQM-L       21.04   
Location       Promiod (Aosta Valley, Italy), own remote observatory
Date           11 October, 7/8 November 2023


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